See the entire journey your tradesperson takes, the easy way
Track your tradespersons progress on your renovation
project or repair to get better results
How Our Service Works
Create a job for free
Tell us what you need
Track Progress
Track the work
Job done - leave feedback
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Why Track My Renovation
Perfect your tracking of tasks
Project monitoring, tracking and reporting are a highly-collaborative process. Job boards with photos, especially with supporting comments helps everyone collaborate on tasks in a way which works best.
Information at a glance
Dive into the details by adding comments, attachments, due dates, and more directly to Job Board. Collaborate on projects from beginning to end.
Showcase your portfolio & reviews
Building a team culture that’s collaborative, productive, and successful is dependent on several key attributes. A combination of reviews, comments and photos will give confidence, making evaluating the completion of a project easier.
Accept & provide regular feedback
Once a task or milestone is completed, exchange feedback with the tradespeople or vice versa. This way, you can continuously improve the process.
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For Tradespeople
For Homeowners and Project Managers